The Chief of Police®

Official Publication of the National Association of Chiefs of Police

A program of United States Law Enforcement Foundation

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July 17, 2023

Pot Shots – Summer 2023

For more than 25 years, this column was written by a man who had forgotten more about firearms than I will ever know, a man who was a glider pilot who flew into France in 1944,

Museum News – Summer 2023

Our annual Police Officer Memorial Day observance took place at dusk on May 19. The weather was lovely with slightly overcast skies and a nice breeze. There were over 220 family survivors in attendance, along with

Museum Display

Counterfeiting money, an age-old crime, has a long and notorious history. In certain periods of early history, it was deemed an act of treason, carrying the penalty of death. During the Civil War, around 1,600 state

Letters to the Editor

Dear NACOP,Please share the presentation of The Honor Award for Public Service that was presented to Timothy Fitch on April 25 at a breakfast forum at CNB St. Louis Bank with 80 people in attendance. Mr.


The Virginia sun is beginning to rise. It’s 6 a.m. and the temperature is dropping. The upper layers of atmosphere are quickly blending with the lower areas, causing a drop in temperature. We are at an


I Pledge Allegiance I, me personally, promise as an oath of loyalty, duty, devotion to the Flag of the United States of America, The symbol and the representation of the United States of America, and to

21st Century American Policing Demands Ethical Leadership

Indisputably, these are remarkably challenging times for policing, and the eyes not only of the nation, but of the world are upon us. Let us reflect on issues, provide solutions and enhance our dedication to lives

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