The Chief of Police®

Official Publication of the National Association of Chiefs of Police

A program of United States Law Enforcement Foundation

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The North Pole Gift Program

In 1990, the Police Hall of Fame began the North Pole Gift Program, which provides age-appropriate gifts to the surviving children of American police officers who died in the line of duty. These gifts are sent

Museum Notes

Museum attendance continues to be strong during this winter season! Looks like lots of folks are coming to Florida to escape cold weather and enjoy all the Space Coast has to offer. In December, we hosted

Pot Shots – Feb. 2022

Good news! The price of firearms is holding stable and has been so for about nine months. The price of the average firearm did increase from 25 percent to 50 percent from mid-2019 to mid-2021, but

Moving Beyond Ego

We all have an ego, some more pronounced than others. Ego can have a negative impact on not only daily operation of walking the corners but also on how we lead others and ourselves. The ego,

Spring 2021 Museum Notes

This spring, we hosted our annual Police Officer Memorial Day event, and it was a joy and pleasure to hold the event in person this year! We had a little more than 500 family survivors in

The United States Law Enforcement Eternal Flame

The Flame is more than a spectacular visual tribute (though it is most assuredly that). This stunning monument to our thin blue line is tied to something more powerful and even more enduring than granite, copper

Spring 2021 Letters to the Editor

Student Pursuing Nursing Degree Thankful Dear NACOP Donors, I would like to say thank you to all the donors who have graciously donated to this fund.  I am very grateful to have been a recipient of

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